Upstate New York Stroke Workgroup

American Heart Association and Stroke

In light of the 2015 acute stroke treatment guidelines recommending acute endovascular therapy for select patients with large vessel occlusions, the UNY Stroke Workgroup was formed to review evidence, practice, goals/ concerns, and to develop consensus-based recommendations for acute stroke patient evaluation, triage, and management.

For the full article, “Establishing Recommendations for Stroke Systems in the Thrombectomy Era: The Upstate New York Stakeholders Proceedings,” UNY_Stroke_Proceedings.

Prehospital/ Triage Resources

  1. Prehospital Stroke Stickers: Rochester Region
  2. Updated Stroke Stickers: Rochester Region
  3. Stroke Rubric- RedCap: Rochester Region

Interfacility Transfer

  1. Stroke Transfer Template for Endovascular Rescue
  2. UNY Prehospital Interfacility Recommendations

Sample Stroke Protocols

  1. 2016 Collaborative Protocols
  2. Existing State BLS Protocols
  3. 2016 Stroke Draft Protocols
  4. Mission: Lifeline Severity Triage Algorithm
Stroke NY Map