The NECC 3rd Annual Summit
Presentation on NECC Manuscript and Recommendations
Lee Schwamm, MD, FAHA
Toby Gropen, MD, FAHA
Facilitated Panel Discussion
State Stroke Center Development:
Where Are We in the US?
R. Scott Duff, MD
Wayne Rosamond, PhD
Richard Hughes, PhD
Breakout Sessessessionsns by NECC Writing Group
Primordial and Primary Prevention
H Health Promotion and Community Education
Emergency Medical Services
Acute Stroke Treatment
Sub Acute Stroke Care and Secondary Prevention
State Presentations Identified from Poster Abstracts
Massachusetts FAST Initiative
Hilary K. Wall, MPH
New York State Department of Health
New York State Multi Media Stroke Awareness Campaign
Tiana Howland, RN
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Access to Blood Pressure Checks: Pharmacy Blood Pressure Kiosk Placement Program
Seth Guthartz
NJ Department of Health and Senior Services
NJ Stroke Center Act
Martin Gizzi, MD, PhD
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Welcome and Overview of the Day
Toby Gropen, MD, FAHA
John Auerbach, Commissioner MA Department of Public Health
Health Promotion Community Outreach
Amie Hsia, MD
Primary Prevention
Sen. Constance Johnson
Emergency Medical Services
Phillip Scott, MD
Hospital Based Secondary Prevention
Timothy Ingall, MD, PhD
Rehabilitation and Recovery
Robert Teasell, MD, FRC, PC
Breakout Sessions by NECC Writing Group
Primordial and Primary Prevention
H Health Promotion and Community Education
Emergency Medical Services
Acute Stroke Treatment
Sub Acute Stroke Care and Secondary Prevention
Stroke Coding Issues
Barry Libman, MS, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P
Primary Stroke Center Implementation: Nuts and Bolts
Jean Rose-DeRenzy, RN, MS, CNRN
Bowel and Bladder Management of Stroke Patients Across the Continuum of Care in the Northeast
Susan Fowler, PhD, RN, CNRN, FAHA
Perception of Stroke Risk and Health Care Follow-Up in At-Risk Women
Jennifer L. Dearborn, BS
NJ Stroke Coordinator Consortium
Laura Reilly, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN
It Takes a Brain to Save a Brain
Sandy Spencer, RN, MSN
Stroke as a Core Measure: What’s Coming Down
Penelope Solis, JD